LSP - 3 : First Verbs
On the previous page we learnt about the Casus Nominativus, which is used to indicate that a Noun is the Subject of a Verb. Now it is time to introduce a Verb.
Let’s begin with habitat, which means she lives, he lives or it lives. (Note that habitat means she/he/it lives as in she/he/it lives in Greece, not as in she is alive.)
What do you think these three sentences, which have a Subject and a Verb, mean? You will find English translations on the next page.
Herculēs in Graeciā habitat.
Iūnō in Olympō habitat.
Īphiclēs in Graeciā habitat. (Iphicles is the brother of Hercules).
Iuppiter in Olympō habitat.
in Graeciā habitat. (This last one could have three possible translations.)
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