Welcome to February (mensis Februarius) - the only month of the year named for the Februa, a mid-month Roman festival of self-cleansing and purification. February was originally the last day of the year, and was said to be sacred fo Februus, god of the wash.

On this day, February 5, Romans began the Fornacalia, a feast in honour of Fornax. Fornax was the goddess of the fornaces, ovens used for the parching of grain. The goddess was invoked to prevent the grain from burning.

On this day, February 13th, families in Rome came together for the Parentalia. Until the 21st, temples were closed and new marriages forbidden, whilst families visited the tombs of their parents and of their ancestors.

Soooo... on this day, February 15, Romans met for the Lupercalia, at the cave of the she-wolf that once suckled Romulus and Remus. Two near-naked aristocratic youths ran through the crowd in goat skins, whacking the people with strips of leather to increase their fertility. Yep.

On February 21 Romans celebrated the final day of the nine day Parentalia. This was the Feralia, during which each household brought offerings of food to the tombs of their ancestors and left them there to sustain the dead throughout the year.

On this day, February 22, Romans marked the first day AFTER the Parentalia with the Caristia, a day dedicated to renewing family ties and patching up old quarrels. There was a family meal, with laughs and awkward moments. Also known as the Cara Cognatio (Dear Relative).

On this day, February 23rd, Romans celebrated the Terminalia, in honour of Terminus, the god of the boundary stones that divided rural properties. Neighbouring farmers came together at these stones and decorated them with flowers.