The month of Maius (May), most people believe, was named for the Roman spring goddess, Maia. In the Fasti, however, Ovid claims that Maius is named for society’s elders (maiores) and the following month - Iunius - for society’s youth (iuniores).

On this day, May the Fourth, the ancient Romans gathered in feast to commemorate the end of the Bella Stellaria (Stellar Wars) and to celebrate the fall of the Imperium. SIT TIBI NUMEN : MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.

On this - spooky - day, May 9, Romans awoke at midnight to usher in the Lemuria. The eldest male would walk through the house throwing black beans over his shoulder, hoping that they would distract the lemures, undead spirits that had come to carry off members of the family. #OTD

On this day, May 11, as part of the Lemuria, Romans made nervous offering to Mania, goddess of death. Mania’s name was used to frighten naughty children, an ancient day bogeyman. She is the mother of ghosts and the spirits of the underworld, but also of the more friendly lares.

On this day, May 25, the Romans held a festival of Fortuna, goddess of fate and chance. Fortuna is shown here with her sacred symbols; the wheel that represents the eternal ups and downs of life, and the rudder by which Fortuna steers our destinies. fortuna secunda tibi sit.