Fun Fact: The Roman month of Martius (March) was named after Mars, the Roman god of War. pax.

On this day, March 1st, Roman matrons gathered to celebrate the Matronalia, a festival of Juno Lucina. The name Lucina most probably derives from lucus - sacred grove - a reference to Juno's grove on the Esquiline Hill.

On this day, March 7, the residents of Rome held a festival for the mysterious Vediovis. Considered one of Rome's oldest gods, he was alway depicted as a young man. At different times he was associated with Apollo, Aesculapius, and Jove himself.

On this day, March 14, a horse racing festival, the Mamuralia, took place in Rome. It was most likely held in honour of Mars, after whom March is named.

cave periculum, quod non ultra Martias Idus proferretur : beware the danger, that will not come later than the Ides of March Suetonius 52

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINERVA! On this day, March 19, Romans celebrated the birthday of the goddess of crafts, strategy and wisdom. It was followed by four days of circus games. DIES NATALIS FELIX TIBI SIT, DEA DIGNISSIMA.

On this day, March 23, Romans conducted the Tubilustrium, the purification of the tubae (trumpets) used in sacred rituals. There was a festival of Vulcan on this same day. Romans later linked the two, designating the smith Vulcan as the creator of the trumpets.

Not one for the faint hearted, today, March 24, was the dies sanguinis, or Day of Blood. On this day the galli, eunuch priests of Cybele, would flagellate themselves, drawing blood. These priests castrated themselves in imitation of Attis, an Anatolian god and consort of Cybele.