On this day, April 4, Romans began celebration of the seven day Megalensia, honouring Magna Mater, The Great Mother. There was a long public holiday, with theatre, feasts and games at the Circus Maximus. Followers processed through the streets, carrying an image of the goddess.

On this day, April 5, the Romans celebrated a most special day, the festival of Fortuna Publica. This goddess cares for the good fortune of all peoples and all communities. sit dies esse felix omnibus vobis, sodales.

On this day, April 13, Romans honoured Jupiter Libertas, that aspect of the god that protected freedom. Libertas was often worshiped as a deity in her own right, as the freedom of an one individual not enslaved to another.

On this day - April 21 - in 753 BC, Romulus founded the city of Rome. Today (MMXVIII) the goddess Roma turns 2771 years old. dies natalis felix tibi sit, dea Roma.

On this day, April 23, the Romans celebrated the Vinalia Priora. The first barrels of wine (vinum) - filled the previous August - were opened and the first of it was poured out as a libation to Jupiter.

On this day, April 25, Romans gathered at the fifth milestone of the Via Claudia to honour Robigus, the god of - wait for it - mildew and grain rust. The Robigalia - as it was called - sadly involved the sacrifice of a rust coloured dog.

On this day, April 27, Romans honoured Flora - a goddess of spring flowers - at the Floralia festival, with feasts and games. It is fitting then that today I completed the Legonium town park, which will feature in future Legonium episodes.