LSP - 3a (answers)
Here are some English translations of the Latin sentences on page 3. Translations, of course, are always an approximation. Once you know an English translation, use it to understand the Latin, then try to forget about it. As quickly as you can, build the habit of reading the Latin as language.
Herculēs in Graeciā habitat.
Hercules lives in Greece.
Iūnō in Olympō habitat.
Juno lives in Olympus.
Īphiclēs in Graeciā habitat. (Iphicles is the brother of Hercules).
Iphicles lives in Greece.
Iuppiter in Olympō habitat.
Jupiter lives in Olympus.
in Graeciā habitat. (This last one could have three possible translations.)
She lives in Greece. or He lives in Greece or It lives in Greece.
How did you do? bene (well) factum (done). bene factum!