LSP - 4 : ubi habitat Herculēs?
Let’s learn an Interrogative Adverb. An Interrogative Adverb - if you don’t know - is an Adverb used to ask questions (to interrogate). The most famous English Interrogative Adverbs are how, why, when, where and who.
Our first Latin Interrogative Adverb is going to be ubi (where). Here it is in a sentence: ubī habitat Hercules? (Where does Hercules live?)
Read the following dialogue between two Latin speakers:
A: ubī habitat Hercules?
B: Herculēs in Graeciā habitat.
A: ubī habitat Iūnō?
B: Iūnō in Olympō habitat.
A: ubī habitat Iuppiter?
B: Iuppiter in Olympō habitat.
A: ubī habitat Īphiclēs
B: Īphiclēs in Graeciā habitat.
Now read it over and over again, until every word conveys meaning without having to think in any language other that Latin. bene factum! You are reading Latin.