Lesson Eighty-Six : Collum Digitusque / by Anthony Gibbins

Salvēte, sodālēs.

So far we have learnt three body parts; nāsus, umerus and oculus. In today’s reading we will learn two more; collum and digitus, both illustrated in the margin.

from Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illustrāta, page 55.

There are two more new words; the adjective pecūniōsus and the verb ōrnat/ōrnant.

We are told what pecūniõsus means in the margin : Vir pecūniōsus est vir quī magnam pecuniam habet. Fēmina pecūniōsa est fēmina quae magnam pecuniam habet.

The verb ōrnat/ōrnant means decorates/decorate. In today’s reading you will see ōrnat/ōrnant in the active and passive.It is clearly linked to the noun ōrnāmentum.

Now READ Capitulum Octāvum, lines 20-24.

Satis est. See you soon.