Today’s page has only two sentences. The bare bones of the first sentence are Monas certus fit Monas becomes certain. Monas is described by a Present Active Participle volvens turning over. This Verb volvo volvere is often used to conjure up the idea of turning something over in the mind, especially when accompanied by the Prepositional Phrase in mente in [his] mind, as it is here. Monas is turning two things over in his mind, joined by the Conjugation et and; vestimenta et audoraedam the clothing and the car. vestimenta is described by the Adjective nova new, and autoraedam by magnificam magnificent. Now, back to the bare bones – Monas becomes certain of what? This requires an Indirect Statement, which in Latin has a Subject in the Accusative Case – Subjects are usually in the Nominative – and an Infinitive Verb. The Accusative Subject is Marcellum Marcellus. The Infinitive Verb is habere to have. Another Noun in the Accusative Case – the Object of habere – tells us what Monas becomes certain Marcellus to have – sarcinam the suitcase.
Monas, turning over the new clothes and magnificent car in his mind, becomes certain that Marcellus has the suitcase.
The bare bones of the second sentence are me oportet Ravenam certiorem facere it behoves me to make Ravena more certain. me oportet means it behoves me, which is no longer a common expression in English. It behoves me basically means I should, it behoves you means you should an so on. By the way, behoves is written with one o in the UK and Australia, and with two - behooves - in the United States of America. I think it’s ready for a comeback! oportet is often followed by an Infinitive Verb, here facere to make. facere has an Object Ravenam Ravena, which itself is described by a Comparative Adjective certiorem more certain. The Latin idiom to make someone more certain means to inform someone of something. Here that something is expressed with a Prepositional Phrase de hoc about this. facere is expanded upon with the Adverb statim immediately.
‘It behoves me to inform Ravena of this immediately.’