Diocles – A Grammatical Commentary / by Anthony Gibbins

Today’s page has three sentences. The bare bones of the first sentence are agitator Marcellus salutat the driver greets Marcellus. agitator is expanded upon with the Genitive Case Noun autoraedae of the car. multa veneratione with much respect is known as an Ablative of Manner because it is in the Ablative Case and describes the manner in which the driver greets Marcellus. The driver says salve be well, an Imperative Verb – a Verb used to give an order – that is a common Latin greeting. Because he is addressing Marcellus he uses the Vocative Case, domine sir.

‘Be well, sir,’ the driver of the car greets Marcellus with much respect.

The bare bones of the second sentence are Marcellus respondet Marcellus responds. Marcellus says salve be well (see above) Diocles, which is Diocles’ name in the Vocative Case. Diocles, by the way, is the name of Achilles’ chariot driver in the Iliad.

‘Be well, Diocles,’ Marcellus responds.

The bare bones of the third sentence are museum visitare velim I should like to visit the museum. velim is in the Subjunctive Mood, and known as a Potential Subjunctive. It is a little softer - and perhaps a little politer - to say velim I should like than the Indicative Mood volo I want. hoc vespere is an Ablative of Time When that means this evening.

I should like to visit the museum this evening.