the force / by Anthony Gibbins

vis is a fascinating word. It has no less than twenty entries in the Oxford Latin Dictionary, and here we will list them all. But first a heads up; a number of these involve violence including sexual violence. Many of them, however, do not.

1. physical strength exerted on an object, force, violence 2. force used to obtain sexual gratification 3. unlawful force or violence 4. violence in politics, public life, or similar 5. violence directed against enemy troops, military force 6. forceful or vigorous action or movement 7. energy or forcefulness of character or behavior, determination etc.; also forcefulness of demeanor 8. a large body or number (of persons, animals etc., often implying potential violence) 9. (of natural forces) violence, overwhelming rush, pressure etc.; a violent discharge, a stream, shower or similar 10. intense or overwhelming nature or effect (of a sensation or emotion); (also, of a passionate person) 11. (of a person, office, etc.) ability to control affairs, political weight, power, influence, or similar 12. influence (of a deity or similar) over events, power, sway 13. (of laws, decisions, etc.) binding force, authority 14. the power or capacity to do something, an ability, faculty, etc. 15. (of things, esp. remedies) power to produce some physical effect, potency, virtue 16. a primary element or force, principle (in an organism) 17. that which makes a thing what it is, its essence 18. the meaning, significance (of words, expressions or similar) 19. value, amount 20. physical powers, strength or vigour of body.

The meaning in this sentence is probably closest to the first. If you remember the recent post on Ablatives of Manner, you may recognise one here; magna vi with great force.

For those who are celebrating, Merry Christmas! And for those who are not, have a really awesome day!

Then he feels something with his hands similar to sack. With great force he drags it out of the dumpster. It is not, however, the sack but a suitcase.