(not) Walking with Virgil / by Anthony Gibbins

Just for something different, I thought that today I would pick a couple of verses from Virgil that contain any form of the verb ambulare and translate them for you. I imagined I would be spoilt for choice, and able to pick four or five favorites from the Aeneid.

I have just the book for this sort of thing, too; an 1822 edition of Virgil’s complete works that I picked up in a second hand bookstore in Armidale, rural New South Wales. Among some other wonderful features, it has an index of EVERY word in EVERY work; index vocabulorum omnium quae in Eclogis, Georgicis, et Aeneide Virgilii leguntur.

But here’s the rub. The word ambulare does not appear anywhere in any work of Virgil. It appears in Ovid, and Seneca, and Plautus, and Cato, and Martial, and Terrence, and Cicero, and Quintilian, but not in Virgil. Anywhere. Weird.

Meanwhile, a woman who is already (iam) known to you, named Claudia, is walking in the street. Do you wish to know to-where (quo) our Claudia is walking?