present contrary to fact conditional clause / by Anthony Gibbins

What to make of all the ridiculous grammatical terms we encounter when studying a language? If I were in charge, they would all be outlawed! ‘If I were in charge’, for example, is a present contrary to fact conditional clause.  Conditional, because they would only be outlawed under the condition that I was in charge. Contrary to fact, because I’m not. And so they’re not either.

There is a contrary to fact conditional on today’s page, but it is called ‘mixed’ rather than ‘present’ because it crosses time-zones (so to speak). The narrator says si possem (if I were [now] able), te certiorem faciam (I would [in the future] make you more certain). certiorem facere (to make more certain), by the way, is the Latin expression that best means ‘inform’.

Without a doubt you wish to know what this suitcase holds inside (intus). Believe me – if I was able, I would tell you.