LSP - 8 : Exercises
Here are some sentences to read and understand. Use the dictionary below to help you:
Herculēs in Graeciā habitat.
Herculēs et Īphiclēs in scūtō dormiunt.
Iūnō cubat.
Iūnō et Iuppiter in Olympō cubant.
Herculēs appropinquat.
Iūnō et Iuppiter appropinquant.
Īphiclēs exclāmat.
Herculēs nōn exclāmat.
Herculēs ridet.
Iūnō et Iuppiter rident.
cubō, cubāre, cubāvī, cubātum : to lie down
appropinquō, appropinquāre, appropinqāvī, appropinquātum : to approach
exclāmō, exclāmāre, exclāmāvī, exclāmātum : to cry out
rideō, ridēre, rīsī, rīsum : to laugh
bene factum! Now read through these sentences until you only have to think about them in Latin. If you want to check your understanding, there are some simple translations at LSP - 8a.