LSP - 8a : some answers

  1. Herculēs in Graeciā habitat.

    Hercules lives in Greece.

  2. Herculēs et Īphiclēs in scūtō dormiunt.

    Hercules and Iphicles are sleeping in a shield.

  3. Iūnō cubat.

    Juno is lying down.

  4. Iūnō et Iuppiter in Olympō cubant.

    Juno and Jupiter lie down in Olympus.

  5. Herculēs appropinquat.

    Hercules is approaching.

  6. Iūnō et Iuppiter appropinquant.

    Juno and Jupiter are approaching.

  7. Īphiclēs exclāmat.

    Iphicles cries out.

  8. Herculēs nōn exclāmat.

    Hercules does not cry out.

  9. Herculēs ridet.

    Hercules laughs.

  10. Iūnō et Iuppiter rident.

    Juno and Jupiter laugh.