LSP - 12 : Compliments

When I say Hercules is an infant, I am speaking a sentence that has contains two Nouns and one Verb. The Verb is is. The Nouns are Hercules and infant. In this sentence Hercules is the Subject of is. infans is not an Object. Hercules is not doing something to the infant, he IS the infant. infant is a Compliment.

Compliments, like Subjects, are written in the Casus Nominativus. Here are some sentences with Compliments, along with their meanings:

Herculēs est infans. Hercules is an infant.

Iūnō est dea. Juno is a goddess.

Iuppiter est deus. Jupiter is a god.

animal est serpens. The animal is a snake.

Herculēs et Īphiclēs sunt infantēs. Hercules and Iphicles are infants.

Alcmēna est māter. Alcmena is [a/the/their] mother.

Now, lets read the beginning of our story again, with some additional content:

Herculēs et Īphiclēs sunt infantēs. Alcmēna est māter. in Graeciā habitant. Hercules nōn in cūnīs cubat. Herculēs et Īphiclēs in scūtō dormiunt. Iūnō in Olympō habitat. Iūnō Alcmēnam nōn amat. Herculem necāre vult. serpentem mittit. serpens appropinquat. serpens scutum movet. Herculēs et Īphiclēs serpentem vident. Īphiclēs exclamat. Herculēs nōn exclamat. Herculēs serpentem prehendit et comprimit. serpentem interfecit. Herculēs ridet. Alcmēna Herculem audit.

audiō, audīre, audīvī, audītum : to hear or to listen to

You will find a translation at 12a if you need it.