Students were asked to take out their recte/prave sheets from previous lesson (see Lesson 25).
2. recte/prave Round Three : Round three is the same as round two, only a new adjective is used - parvus a um. Explain that while the images look “magnus” on the screen, they are in fact very very small. As in round two, questions alternate between singular and plural. Note: Students were told that this practice would assist them in the next activity. recte/prave slides can be accessed here.
M: Quid est?
D1: Rosa parva est.
M: Quae sunt?
D2: Rosae parvae sunt.
3. Students were given a worksheet on which to complete Capitulum Primum Pensum A. They were given about 15 minutes to engage with this activity. I told them that accuracy was more important than speed, but they should try to do as much as they could correctly. They were to work alone, although they could ask me questions. They could look through their textbook freely - but not their exercise books. The sheets were collected for marking. All worksheets can be downloaded here. Note: I printed this with Pensum B on the back, to save paper. We will use this in a future lesson. Observations: There was a true spectrum of results. Some students made no or almost no errors, showing a firm understanding of this concept. Others made enough errors that it was difficult to know whether the correct answers were as accidental as the incorrect, and others clearly did not yet have a working knowledge of this concept.
4. There were about 5 minutes left at the end of the lesson, so we repeated a vocabulary game from a previous lesson (see Lesson 23, item 1). Here is a picture to jog your memory.