Note: This lesson was conducted in a computer lab rather than our usual classroom. I wanted to introduce the students to Gimkit. I had hoped in this lesson to set up a Gimkit class, but we ran out of time due to technical issues. If I was able to get regular access to reliable computers, I would use Gimkit more regularly, probably for small 10 minutes bursts every three or so lessons. As it is, I am hoping to encourage the students to use Gimkit at home, and I will occasionally be able to gain access to a computer lab.
I showed the class how to reach the Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata Gimkit Quizzes on Legonium. I will outline the instructions below:
Step One: Go to
Step Two: Hover the mouse over LLPSI to cause a menu to drop down. Click on Gimkit.
This will take you to a menu with a set of Gimkit Quizzes. There are currently three types of quizzes here:
1) Quizzes focused on (mainly) vocabulary, with a little bit of morphology, from a single chapter.
2) Quizzes that group together the above chapter Quizzes.
3) Quizzes based upon Pensa A and B from each chapter.
2. I gave the students the briefest introduction to the Gimkit game, explaining that they had 10 minutes to earn $1 million, and that it WAS possible, by answering questions correctly and strategically buying power-ups. (I have done it a few times now, so I know it can be done). They fell into it like ducks into water. I thoroughly enjoyed walking around and watching them play, especially when their mouses hovered for a little while uncertainly before selecting the correct answer.
3. I next showed them how they could all play a Gimkit game together. To do this, somebody (ie. me) needed a Gimkit account. Students are given a code that allows them to enter into the game. It is best if you have the ability to display a large central screen with the game details on it. I selected the quiz that contains vocabulary from both Chapters 1 and 2, and told them that they should try and learn a few new things as they play. (Watching them play, they almost certainly did). For the scenario I chose Humans vs Zombies. Note: The humans won.
Note: The way Gimkit works, you need an account to set up a multiplayer game, but that account is free. I have made my LLPSI quizzes easy to find, by having their names all start with “Q LLPSI”, so feel free to find them on the site and start a multi-player game of your own. Enjoy!