Capitulum Primum : Lesson Seven / by Anthony Gibbins

Note: I was away and this lesson was conducted by a replacement teacher. I was unsure how long the class test would take, and needed to set a task that the students could continue with when finished, without a Latin teacher present (see activity 2, below). Had I been there, I may have done things differently. As it was, it seemed wise to have a second activity that was more extension than critical work.

  1. Students sat a class test that they had already briefly seen (see lesson 5). A PDF of the class test can be downloaded here. The complete test can be seen below. Note: I had planned to tell the students that there were a couple of words in the test that they would have to try to deduce. Unfortunately, I forgot to include this in my instructions to the replacement teacher.


    Overall, I was very happy with the results. There are a few students I will need to check are catching up on things they didn’t understand as well as the others, but basically the first six lessons appear to have been a success. As alluded to above, the fact that I was not able to guide them through the appearance of a few new words meant that a number of students lost marks identifying “littera Latina” and “littera Graeca”. But other that this, the only area in which multiple students dropped marks was in forming the singularis and pluralis. I marked the writing task out of five, giving marks for attempting to use the language, without insisting on complete grammatical accuracy.

2. Students were given a worksheet entitled Imperium Cotanum, a description of an imaginary land using the same grammar and vocabulary as the first 48 or so lines of LLPSI Capitulum Primum. They were asked to translate as much of the description into their books as they could by the end of the lesson. You can download all worksheets from here or show the image on a screen from here.