Salvēte, sodālēs.
First, some notes from the margin.
hic ānulus = ānulus quī hīc est or this ring
ille ānulus = ānulus quī illíc est or that ring
tantus…quantus = tam magnus…quam or as big….as
There is a focus in today’s reading on both this and that.
from Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illustrāta, page 57.
And on the expression tantus…quantus. The final sentence introduces an interesting idiom : Tanta gemma ad tam parvum ānulum nōn convenit. See whether you can deduce its meaning. You’ll be able to check your understanding at the end.
Now READ Capitulum Octāvum, lines 68-82.
So large a gem does not suit so small a ring.
Satis est. See you next time.