Salvēte, sodālēs.
In today’s reading we continue to meet more forms of this, and its plural these. These forms are, in order of appearance, hōc, hae, hōs, hī, and hīs.
Now might be a good time to include a noun/adjective table that includes ALL the possible forms of this.
from Handy Latin Tables Pars Secunda
Below the noun/adjective pair for each Number (singular or plural), Gender (feminine, masculine or neuter) and Case combination (eg: Singular, Feminine, Nōminātīvus : īnsula magna) are the corresponding forms of he/she/it, this/these, that/those and who/which, as outlined in the diagram below.
Nōnne was first introduced in Lesson 74. Just as num placed at the beginning of a yes/no question shows that the speaker expects a ‘no’ answer, nōnne shows that the speaker expects a ‘yes’.
Vīgintī, as we are told in the margin, in the Latin word for XX or twenty.
Now READ Capitulum Octāvum, lines 48-55.
Satis est. See you again shortly.