Salvēte, sodālēs.
Today we begin Capitulum Septimum. The boys are waiting for Julius in front of the villa’s door, Aemilia is in the peristyle, and Julia - sadly - is in her room, upset at the unkind words of her brothers.
There are a handful of new words; exspectat/exspectant, illīc, tenet/tenent, lacrimat/lacrimant, oculus and lacrima.
Illīc - which means there - is a companion word to hīc here. In today’s reading it refers to the peristylum. Oculus and lacrima are illustrated in the margin, as is tenet. As for the other words, try to work deduce their meaning as you read.
Read Capitulum Septimun, lines 1-7.
exspectat/exspectant : is waiting for/are waiting for
illīc : there
tenet/tenent : is holding/are holding
lacrimat/lacrimant : is crying/are crying (note the connection to the noun lacrima)
oculus : eye
lacrima : tear
Satis est. See you again soon.