Salvēte, sodālēs.
Back in Lesson 52 we saw this table of prepositions.
from Handy Latin Tables, Pars Prīma, page 18
Up to this point, we have met two of these prepositions - in and cum. In today’s reading we will meet two more - sine and ā/ab. (You may be wondering why I’ve written ā/ab. It is because there are two forms of this word. Similar to a/an in English, ā is used before a consonant and ab before a vowel.)
We are told that sine is the opposite of cum.
from Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illustrāta, page 34.
Then we are given two diagrams to help us visualise cum and ā/ab. (Discēdit was introduced in Capitulum Quartum).
from Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illustrāta, page 35.
Lastly, remind yourself where Tūsculum is. Ubi est Tūsculum? Tūsculum est in Italiā.
Now READ lines 43-50. If you forget the meanings of any words, use the Index Vocābulōrum. If you forget adest/adsunt or abest/absunt, you will find them listed under adesse and abesse. If you still have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments.
Satis est. See you soon.