Salvēte, sodālēs.
Back in Lesson 52 we saw this table of prepositions.
Up to this point, we have met two of these prepositions - in and cum. In today’s reading we will meet two more - sine and ā/ab. (You may be wondering why I’ve written ā/ab. It is because there are two forms of this word. Similar to a/an in English, ā is used before a consonant and ab before a vowel.)
We are told that sine is the opposite of cum.
Then we are given two diagrams to help us visualise cum and ā/ab. (Discēdit was introduced in Capitulum Quartum).
Lastly, remind yourself where Tūsculum is. Ubi est Tūsculum? Tūsculum est in Italiā.
Now READ lines 43-50. If you forget the meanings of any words, use the Index Vocābulōrum. If you forget adest/adsunt or abest/absunt, you will find them listed under adesse and abesse. If you still have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments.
Satis est. See you soon.