Lesson Forty-Nine : Digitābulum Infīnītīvum (The Infinity Gauntlet) / by Anthony Gibbins

Salvēte, sodālēs.

Today’s lesson is an entirely optional second comic set in the Lego Marvel Universe (see Lesson Thirty for the first). If you have seen the movies Infinity War and End Game, then you know that Thanos needs all of the Infinity Gems in his Gauntlet in order to carry out his plan. This comic follows the plot of Capitulum Quartum very closely indeed, but with Gemmae Infīnītīvae instead of nummī.

Click on this link to open the Digitābulum Infīnītīvum comic in a new window. Click on the + in the top right corner of any picture to expand it. Now you can read the comic using everything you have learnt from Capitulum Quartum. The English name of Rictus Habenius, by the way, is Ebony Maw.

Satis est. See you again soon.