Salvēte, sodāles.
In this lesson you will read the final three paragraphs of Lingua Latīna per Sē Illustrāta, Capitulum Prīmum. Rather than spoil anything for you up front, you will have the the opportunity to check your understanding of the three new words introduced - vocābulum, sex and syllaba - after you have completed the reading and tried puzzling them out for yourself. If you forget the names of any of the letters or numbers, or the meanings of mīlle, prīma, secunda or tertia, you should revisit Lesson Sixteen. Enjoy!
vocābulum : word
sex : six
syllaba : syllable
Well, you have reached the end of Capitulum Prīmum! Bene factum (Well done)! I encourage you to return to it often and reread.
Satis est. Return soon for some more spoken Latin.