Salvēte, sodãlēs.
Whenever I teach Capitulum Tertium (Third Chapter) in a classroom environment, I begin with a group reading exercise. I hand out a vocabulary sheet, and a comic book full of Marvel Superheroes and ask the students to read it as best as they can. I thought we’d do the same thing here. (If this doesn’t appeal, you can skip straight to Lesson Thirty-One without missing anything crucial.) Let’s begin with character names.
Praefectus Americānus : Captain America
Bruce Banner : The scientist who becomes The Hulk
Vastus : The Hulk
Vir Arāneus : Spider-Man
Praefecta Miranda : Captain Marvel
Vidua Atra : Black Widow
Anser : Goose (the name of a Captain Marvel’s cat)
The vocabulary sheet contains much of the nova vocābula introduced in Capitulum Tertium. The images really help, but some of the words are not so easily explained. I’ll include a translation of those words after the comic, but don’t worry if you don’t understand everything you read here. We’ll go through the Capitulum Tertium bit by bit, beginning next lesson.
Now click on this link to open the Bellum Civile comic in a new window. Click on the + in the top right corner of any picture to expand it. Now you can read the comic, referring back to the vocabulary sheet to help you. And you can check the meaning of some of the more obscure words below. (Again, do not worry if not everything makes sense. I’ve deliberately thrown you into the deep end here.)
iam : now
me : me
te : you
eum : him
fu! : Something you say when disgusted or annoyed.
hic : here
cur? : why?
quia : because
Satis est. See you again soon.