Salvēte, Sodālēs.
Paucī and multī are two adjectives that appear for the first time in this lesson’s reading. You may notice by the endings, that these words only appear in the story in the plūrālis. Once you determine the meaning of these words, you’ll understand why. Note: In the margin, paucī and multī are separated by a double headed arrow. This means they are opposites.
Now, enjoy the reading. As always, the less you think about words in any other language than Latin, the better.
from Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata (page 6)
Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata : Capitulum Primum : lines 38-48. To be fair to the publisher, after Capitulum Secundum extracts will not be given - you will need a copy of the textbook of your own.
multī : many, a lot of
paucī : few, not a lot of, not many
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Satis est. See you again soon.