Today’s page has two sentences. The bare bones of the first sentence are tabernaria intus ivit the shopkeeper went inside. intus is an Adverb that can mean both inside and to the inside. Here the latter is meant. mox is an Adverb meaning soon. cum cives ceteri cubitum irent is known as a Temporal Cum Clause. Temporal because it tells us something about when the shopkeeper went inside and Cum because, as you can see, it begins with that word. cum in these clauses can be understood in a number of ways, dependent on the relationship between the Cum Clause and the Main Clause. It could be, for example, when the other citizens, since the other citizens, although the other citizens et cetera. In this sentence, however, the tamen nevertheless in the Main Clause suggests that although would be the best translation of cum. cives, as you have probably determined, means citizens. cives is described by ceteri the other. cum often appears with a Subjunctive Verb, as here with irent were going. cubitum is a Supine. A Supine is a form of a Verb that can be used to express purpose after Verbs implying movement, such as irent. cubitum is from cubare to lie in bed. Togehter cubitum irent is very much like the English idiom they were going to bed. So, altogether, cum cives ceteri cubitum irent means although the other citizens were going to bed. ut se pararet that she might prepare herself is a Purpose Clause and provides the purpose for which the shopkeeper went inside. ad noctem for a night provides the goal of her preparations. noctem is described by occupatam busy and occupatam is expanded upon by valde very.
Soon, although other citizens were going to bed, the shopkeeper nevertheless went inside that she might prepare herself for a very busy night.
The bare bones of the second sentence are arcam aperuit she opened a chest. ut eximeret is another Purpose Clause, telling us why she opened the chest. ut eximeret is best understood as that she might take out. vestimenta means clothing. In this sentence, vestimenta is described by occulta hidden or secret.
She opened a chest that she might remove some hidden clothing.