A couple of days ago I decided it would be a sensible idea to start making lists of the words that have appeared in Legonium. I was speaking with a Latin teacher in Boston who uses a great deal of spoken Latin in her classroom. One of the reasons Legonium was popular with her students, she said, was the high level of repetition of vocabulary. I started making lists of Nouns. I have only worked through the first four episodes, but already have an extensive list concerning the town itself, the buildings, the parts of buildings, and furniture.
Legonium ipsum
oppidum town
via street
aedificium building
argentaria bank
caupona restaurant
lavatrina vestimentorum laundromat
taberna tavern
tonstrina barbershop
monumentum monument (this was in reference to ancient ruins)
Parts of a Building
tabulatum story (building)
tectus roof
caminus chimney
maenianum balcony
pedeplana ground floor
cenaculum attic room
conclave room
cubiculum room
culina kitchen
sedes officii office
scallae stairs/ladder
gradus step
paries wall
ianua door
posticum back door
fenestra window
pavimentum floor
Things Found in a Building
lectus bed
sella chair
focus fireplace
scrinium desk (in Roman times it referred to a case for papers)
horologium clock
pictura picture
Without a doubt this building is already well known to you. Situated on the ground floor are a tavern, named the Highlander, and the barbershop of Alan.