READ THIS POST TOO! 2 of 2 / by Anthony Gibbins

Today’s page, like yesterday’s, contains an Imperative Verb, but this one looks a little different; da give! Don’t be put off by its length – it’s just a shorter word is all. What interests us here is that, unlike yesterday’s lege, crede and sine, it ends in a –a.

Verbs, you see, belong to families. There are four families of Verb, and each member of a family behaves in the same way as its kin, and in a slightly different way to members of other families. We call them First, Second, Third and Fourth, but we could just as easily call them Frey, Greyjoy, Stark and Targaryen. You will also hear of a Fifth or Mixed family, but it is not really a family in its own right; it’s more like the Third and Fourth families combined to form a new House – Stargaryen? I think I’ll stop now…

To see how each family behaves a little differently (but not all that differently) from other families, here is a comparison of the various Imperative Verb Forms. Remember that all* members of the same family will behave in the same way.


Family               Verb                                                    Singular Imperative    Plural Imperative

Frey (1st)           do, dare, dedi, datum                         da       give!                 date

Greyjoy (2nd)    video, videre, vidi, visum                   vide    see!                   videte

Stark (3rd)         lego, legere, legi, lectum                   lege    read!                 legite    

Targaryen (4th) audio, audire, audivi, auditum           audi    listen!                audite

Mixed                 capio, capere, cepi, captum              cape    seize!                capite


* Okay, there are just a few outliers. duc! lead! fac! do! dic! speak! and fer! carry!  And, mirabile dictu, I just Googled Stargaryen. Turns out it’s a thing!


Again, however, Miranda blocked Jessica. ‘How does she know my name?’ she thought to herself. ‘Give me the suitcase,’ she said to the woman.