Now that she is up, Miranda wastes no time in getting her day started. The ablative absolute aliis vestimentis indutis (literally, other clothes having been put on) creates for me a sense of her pace. This is the page that tells us where the conclave of Miranda is situated, above the restaurant and below Marcellus' attic. Speaking of whom, isn't that Macellus noster sitting on the maenianum enjoying a pizza?
conclave is defined in the Epitoma Festi of Paulus Diaconus in this way; conclavia dicuntur loca, quae una clave clauduntur (conclavia are called locations, which are closed up with a single key). The work of Paulus Diaconus is an example of a Latin lexicon, of which there are several. If you are interested, Paulus Diaconus wrote his epitoma (abridgement) of Festus' de verborum significatu during the reign of Charlemagne. Festus had written his lexicon during the 2nd century AD, but nothing of it today remains. The work of Festus was itself an abridgement of an even earlier lexicon by Verrius Flaccus (also lost) compiled during the reign of Augustus (the Roman emperor, not the Legonium bank manager). Anyway, I'll be translating conclave here as apartment.
Miranda, having changed into other clothes, exits straight onto the balcony. Her apartment is situated between the restaurant and the attic of Marcellus.