Both my German dictionary of modern Latin and the Latin translation of Harry Potter - Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis - give sedes officii for office. And here we are, in the sedes officii of Augustus. sedes, from the verb sedeo (I sit), is variously translated as a seat, a throne, an abode, a base or – similar to English – a seat of power. officium as dutiful or respectful action, ceremonial attendance, official employment. So, here we are, with Augustus, in his ‘seat of power of official employment’. His office.
The office of Augustus is located on the second floor of the Brick Bank. I had to pull down a good part of the wall to get this shot. I take all of my photos with an iPhone 5, and while it is nice and thin, it can still be hard to get into small cramped places. There is a little nod here to Caecilius of the Cambridge Latin Course, who is of course a banker and loves counting money.
Meanwhile, Augustus is sitting in his office counting money. A message of great importance but not yet read lies on his desk.