in animo habere / by Anthony Gibbins

Viewers of shows like Lost or Orange is the New Black will be familiar with the device of continuing an overarching narrative through a focus on individual characters. The novelisation of Game of Thrones provides another example. The title page of Legonium : pars secunda informs us that this part of the story will be told through the lens of Miranda.

But first, our narrator is back. I have always liked the expression in animo habere - to have in mind, to intend. Here are just a few of the definitions of animus found in the Oxford Latin Dictionary; the mind as opposed to the body, the mind or soul as constituting with the body the whole person, the immortal part of a person, the spirit or soul of the universe, the mind as the seat of consciousness, the mind as an organ of thought, judgement, memory and opinion, the mind as the originator of intensions.

pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrectum to continue, proceed, go on with is a very handy verb indeed. It can be used absolutely (in Macedoniam), with an accusative object (iter) or with an infinitive (explicare).

Hello reader. It is a joy for me to see you again. I have in mind to continue my story. Do you wish to hear more?