indirect hope / by Anthony Gibbins

Indirect Speech has a fairly broad definition. It includes Reported Speech, Perceptions and Thought. For example, involucrum in tonstrina est The envelope is in the barber shop.

Reported Speech: Marcellus dicit involucrum in tonstrina esse Marcellus says that the envelope is in the barber shop. Marcellus declarat involucrum in tonstrina esse Marcellus declares that the envelope is in the barber shop.

Reported Perception: Marcellus audit involucrum in tonstrina esse Marcellus hears that the envelope is in the barber shop. Marcellus videt involucrum in tonstrina esse Marcellus sees that the envelope is in the barber shop.

Reported Thought: Marcellus putat involucrum in tonstrina esse Marcellus thinks that the envelope is in the barber shop. Marcellus scit involucrum in tonstrina esse Marcellus knows that the envelope is in the barber shop.

And then we have Marcellus sperat involucrum in tonstrina esse Marcellus hopes that the envelope is in the barber shop. Is this just another example of Reported Thought? Well, yes and no. I say no, because what is really being reported is not the statement involucrum in tonstrina est but a wish! And that wish would be expressed utinam involucrum in tonstrina sit! Oh, may the envelope be in the barber shop!

By the way, that troubled face belongs to the Animal Ranger in Series 15 of the collectable minifigures. Why does she look like that? Because she comes with a skunk.

Marcellus hurries through the street very quickly. He hopes that the envelope is in the barber shop. Perhaps Alan has already found it.