sapo spumaque is my attempt to translate the name of the laundromat, Soap n Suds. Soap (sapo) is easy enough. spuma, however, more correctly means ‘froth’ than ‘suds’, and refers to liquid mixed with air rather than with washing powder. According to the 1874 classic, A Copious and Critical English-Latin Dictionary by William Smith and Theophilus D. Hall, the best translation of ‘suds’ is aqua sapone infecta. But sapo aquaque sapone infecta makes for a poor store name.
I really like the verb calefacio, calefacere, calefeci, calefactum. It is a combination of the verb facere (to make) and the adjective calidus (warm, hot). It means ‘to make warm’. The word for ‘cold’, by the way, is frigidus.
One last thing. lavatoriae is an adjective meaning ‘having to do with washing’. It is here describing the machinae.
Every day in the morning Pico spends time in the laundromat. This is most pleasing to him because the washing machines make the air warm there.