6.1 near

quoad? quātenus? quoūsque? how far? 

spatium, intervāllum, discrīmen, distance 

distāre, be distant

passus, pace

prope Ac, near; also adv., e.g. prope absum, am not far away

apud Ac, (quite) near

comminus, adv., near

adesse, be near, close at hand

ante pedēs positum esse, stare in the face 

adstāre, stand at or near

adhaerēre, keep close to; noun adhaesiō

iuxtā Acpropter Ac, close to, hard by 

propter, iuxtā, adv., near

propinquus, near; noun propinquitās; propior, nearer; proximus, nearest

subicere, bring or throw near 

continēns, appositus, subiectus, cōnfīnis, lying near, adjacent

vīcīnus, neighbouring; nouns vīcīnitās, vīcīnia

subesse, be near

accolere, live near; accola, neighbour 

suppetere, be at hand, be present

haerēre, cling, adhere

ad manum habēre, have at hand


procul ā or ab Ab, far from

procul, ēminus, adv., at a distance 

abesse, be absent; longē a., be far away 

ē longinquō, from afar

longinquus, distant

ultimus, farthest, very remote

remōtus, remote

q.v. words meaning approach and depart, 5.1

from A Handbook of the Latin Language by Walter Ripman (1930). Transcribed by Carolus Raeticus (2011).

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