5.1 towards

quō? or quōrsum? whither?

utrō? to which side, whither?

hūc, to this place

illūc, istūc, eō, to that place

eōdem, to the same place

aliquō, to some place

nusquam, to no place

passim, in omnēs partēs, in all directions 

quō, to which place

quōcumque, quōquō, whithersoever

ad Ac, to

sub Ac, to

ūsque ad Ac, (all the way) to

adversus, versus Ac, towards

venīre, come

ventitāre, come often

advenīre, pervenīre, arrive; noun adventus; prīmō adventū, immediately on arrival 

prōvinciam tetigit, he reached the province 

accēdere, succēdere, appropinquāre, adīre, subīre, approach; nouns accessiō, accessus, successus, aditus; aditum Dpn ad Actg interclūdere, bar one's way to; omnēs aditūs Gtg praeclūdere, saepīre, bar all approaches to

obrēpere, creep up, draw near

adventāre, approach, advance (espec. of hostile forces)

advehī, come (ride, sail, etc.) to 

adnāre, swim to

allābī, glide to

arrēpere, creep up

īnstāre, approach; vēr īnstat, spring is near 

rēctō itinere petere, make straight for

tendere (e.g. Venusiam), make for

incidere in Ac, come upon, meet unexpectedly 

accurrere, occurrere, run up

advolāre, rush up

assilīre, jump to

īnferrī, rush against

admovēre, bring, lead to; noun admōtiō 

appellere, adigere, drive towards or up; noun adāctiō

apportāre, carry to or up

addūcere, lead to or up

afferre, bring to or up

advehere, convey to

advertere, turn towards; oculōs ad eum a., turn one's eyes towards him

obicere, throw against, in the way

offendere, knock against; come upon

obviam īre or prōcēdere Dpn or prōdīre, go to meet

away from

unde? whence?

hinc, from this place

illinc, istinc, istim, inde, from that place 

indidem, from the same place

alicunde, from some place

ex intervāllō, from some distance

undique, ex omnibus partibus, from all sides 

extrīnsecus, forīs, from the outside

unde, from which place

ā, ab Ab, from; N.B. abs tē

abstinēre, keep away

abīre, dēvehī, go away; noun abitus

exīre, absistere, depart (from); noun exitus

cēdere, sēcēdere, withdraw; noun sēcessiō 

abscēdere, dēcēdere ab, dē or ex Ab, discēdere ab Abpnexcēdere ex Ab placedīgredī ab Ab, leave, depart from; longius discēdere, go farther away; nouns abscessus, dēcessiō, discessus, dīgressiō, dīgressus

ēgredī, quit; noun ēgressus

dēgredī, go away

āvertere, āversārī, dēclīnāre, dēvertere, turn away or aside; noun dēclīnātiō 

aufugere, run away, abscond 

āvolāre, dēvolāre, fly away 

diffluere, flow away

ēlābī, slip away

exclūdere, keep away, remove 

dēpellere, push aside, remove 

abiungere, separate, remove

abigere, expellere, extrūdere, exturbāre, prōturbāre, drive away; nouns expulsiō, expulsor

ablēgāre, relēgāre, send away; noun ablēgātiō

āmovēre, dēmovēre, dīmovēre, removēre, retrahere, sēmovēre, submovēre, remove; nouns āmōtiō, remōtiō

abdere, dēpōnere, put away

trahere, draw away; noun tractus

arcēre, prevent from approaching, keep at a distance

abdūcere, dēdūcere, ēdūcere, lead away; noun dēductiō

asportāre, dēportāre, dēvehere, bring or carry away

abstrahere, dētrahere, distrahere, subtrahere, draw or take away; noun dētractiō

dēmere, take away

auferre, āvehere, carry off

adimere, ēripere, take away; nouns adēmptiō, ēreptiō

surripere, take away secretly

revellere, tear away

succīdere, cut off

abrādere, scrape off

dētrūdere, thrust away

āvocāre, sēvocāre, call of from, withdraw, divert; noun āvocātiō

mittere, dīmittere, dismiss; nouns missiō, dīmissiō

abicere, prōicere, throw away

āvellere, abripere, dēripere, abrumpere, eximere, abscindere, tear away, break off; noun abruptiō

praeripere, tear or snatch away

abscīdere, dēcīdere, dēsecāre, resecāre, cut off

abluere, dīluere, ēluere, wash away, remove

abstergēre, wipe away

from A Handbook of the Latin Language by Walter Ripman (1930). Transcribed by Carolus Raeticus (2011).

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