4.3 stay
versārī, dwell, stay, abid
manēre, remain; noun mānsiō
permanēre, perstāre, persevērāre, remanēre, stay to the end, endure, remain; nouns permānsiō, remānsiō, persevērantia
residēre, remain, be left
eōdem remanēre vestīgiō, stay in the same place
restāre, superesse, be left, remain over
reliquus, residuus, left over; reliquum, residuum, pars reliqua, the rest
cōram Ab, in the presence of
sē locō movēre, leave
relinquere, leave behind; noun relictiō
linquere, leave
dērelinquere, abandon (neglect) ; noun dērelictiō
dēserere, desert; noun dēsertor
dēstituere, abandon (in destitution)
discēdere ab Ab, forsake, leave (person); noun discessus
excēdere Ab or ex Ab, leave (place)
q.v. other verbs in 5.1
from A Handbook of the Latin Language by Walter Ripman (1930). Transcribed by Carolus Raeticus (2011).