5.3 into

in Ac, into

intrō (adv.), intrōrsum or -us, in, to the inside 

inīre, introīre, intrāre Ac or in Acingredī Acimmigrāre, invādere, enter (trans.); also intrans.; introitus, ingressiō, ingressus, entrance

intrōspicere, look into

penetrāre, permānāre, sē īnsinuāre, get into 

incidere, fall into

incurrere in Ac, run into

īnscendere, climb into

irrēpere, creep or steal in

īnsilīre, īnsultāre, leap in

irrumpere, irruere, rush into; noun irruptiō 

involāre, fly or rush into

īnfluere, flow into

invehī, ride, drive, etc., into; noun invectiō

īnserere, impōnere, inculcāre, interpōnere, put into, insert, introduce; noun interpositiō 

indūcere, intrōdūcere, lead into; nouns inductiō, intrōductiō

īnferre, ingerere, invehere, carry into; noun invectiō

inicere, throw into

importāre, import

involvere, wrap up; involūcrum, wrapper, covering

īnflāre, blow into; noun īnflātus

īnfundere in Ac, pour into 

īnfīgere, fasten in, thrust in 

imprimere, press into

incīdere, cut into

īnsinuāre, thrust into

intexere, weave into

immittere, send, cast into

out of

ē, ex Ab, out of

forās (adv.), to the outside, out of doors

exīre, go out; noun exitus

ēgredī, go out; noun ēgressus

ēmergere, exorīrī, rise, come forth

ēvādere, come out or forth

ēminēre, stand out

excidere, fall out

excurrere, run out or forth; noun excursus

exsilīre, prōsilīre, leap out

ērumpere, sally or burst forth; noun ēruptiō

ēvolāre, fly out, break forth

prōrumpere, break forth

ēvehī, ride, etc., out

effluere, ēmānāre, prōfluere, flow out 

extrahere, prōtrahere, draw out

ēlicere, draw or entice out

ēruere, pluck out

ēdūcere, ēgerere, ēvehere, lead forth

efferre, prōmere, bring out, bring forth 

ēripere, exceptāre, take out

vellere, pull out

ēvolvere, unroll; noun ēvolūtiō

explicāre, unfold

exprimere, press out

fundere, diffundere, effundere, prōfundere, pour out; nouns fūsiō, effūsiō 

offundere, perfundere, pour over 

excutere, shake out

exclūdere, shut out

prōripere, drag or snatch out

pellere, expellere, exigere, ēicere, extrūdere, exturbāre, drive out; nouns expulsiō, expulsor, exāctiō, ēiectiō

prōtrūdere, thrust out

ēverrere, sweep out

ēvellere, excerpere, revellere, pluck out; noun ēvulsiō

extorquēre, wrench out

excīdere, exsecāre, cut out

ēdere, ēmittere, send forth; noun ēmissiō

ēvomere, spit or cast out

from A Handbook of the Latin Language by Walter Ripman (1930). Transcribed by Carolus Raeticus (2011).

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