4.5 turn, bend, roll, fold
vertere, turn (trans.); vertī, turn (intrans.); versārī, turn often, twist about; invertere, turn round
flectere, bend, turn; flexus, turning, turning point; flexiō, bending; flexibilis, flexible; flexuōsus, winding; īnflectere, bend; noun īnflexiō; reflectere, bend or turn back
intendere, bend, turn
torquēre, twist, turn, bend; tortuōsus, twisted; obtorquēre, twist, wrench; retorquēre, twist back
inclīnāre, bend, incline, turn; noun inclīnātiō
volvere, turn round, roll (trans.); volvī, roll (intrans.); volūtāre, roll, twist; volūbilis, turning, rolling
revolvere, roll back, unroll
plicāre, fold
explicāre, replicāre, pandere, unfold
from A Handbook of the Latin Language by Walter Ripman (1930). Transcribed by Carolus Raeticus (2011).