4.1 Place
īnfīnitās, immēnsum, unlimited space
orbis terrārum, mundus, terrae, ūniversum, world, universe; mundānus, citizen of the world
intermundia, space between worlds
deus artifex or mōlītor mundī, God the creator of the world
regiō, quarter, region
locus, place; (n P loca, region, locality)
ubi? where? ubi gentium? where in the world?
ubi, quā, where; quācumque, ubicumque, wherever
hōc locō, hīc, here, in this place
illīc, istīc, ibi, eō locō, there, in that place
ibīdem, eōdem locō, in the same place
alibī, in another place
ubīque, undique, omnibus locīs, omnibus (in) partibus, everywhere
ubivīs, usquam, uspiam, anywhere
alicubī, in some place
multīs locīs, multifāriam, in many places
passim, at different places
nusquam, in no place, nowhere
praestō (adv.) sum, am present, ready, at hand
domī mīlitiaeque, at home and abroad
longē lātēque, far and wide
sēdēs, base, foundation
septentriōnēs, (m P), north
merīdiēs, south
occidēns, (sōlis) occāsus, west
oriēns, (sōlis) ortus, east
spectat in merīdiem, it faces south
vergit in occidentem, it lies to the west
from A Handbook of the Latin Language by Walter Ripman (1930). Transcribed by Carolus Raeticus (2011).