1.6 formerly, now, then

prīdem, long ago, of old, formerly

aliquandō, at some time (past, present or future)

quondam, once (past only, usually during some space of time)

ōlim, formerly, a long time ago, once (past or future)

abhinc quattuor annōs, four years ago; a. tribus diēbus, three days ago

mātūrē, early, in good time; mātūrius, earlier 

nūper, nōn (or haudprīdem (or ita prīdem), lately, recently

paulō ante, but lately

dūdum, a little while ago

ad hōc tempus, until now

nunc, iam, in praesentiā, now

tempus praesēns, present time; in (tempus) praesēns, for the present

commodum, just in time, at the very moment

īnstāns, present; īnstantia (P), the present situation

hīs temporibus, nostrā aetāte, in our time, in modern times, nowadays

īlicō, extemplō, prōtinus, statim, continuō, cōnfestim, sine morā, ē vestīgiō, immediately, then and there, forthwith

mox, brevī, mātūrē, soon, presently

propediem, very soon

quam prīmum, as soon as possible

ante tempus, too soon

deinde, inde, exinde, tum, tunc, then

eā tempestāte, tum temporis, id temporis, at that time

tum dēmum, then and then only

aliquandō, hereafter

from A Handbook of the Latin Language by Walter Ripman (1930). Transcribed by Carolus Raeticus (2011).

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