Lesson Ninety-Two : Meī Digitī Vacuī Sunt / by Anthony Gibbins

Savēte, sodālēs.

In today’s reading, Lydia laments that her fingers are entirely empty of rings. Medus complains to the shopkeeper, Albinus, that jewellery is bought cheaper elsewhere. We learn that nōnāgintā means ninety. And that satis means enough.

from Lingua Latīna Per Sē Illustrāta, page 54 (detail).

As you read, try to find the Latin phrases that mean:

in which (plural)

to this shopkeeper

too big

in other streets

in those shops

are bought for a small price

Now, READ Capitulum Ocatāvum, lines 83-107.

  • in which (plural) : in quibus

    to this shopkeeper : huic tabernāriō

    too big : nimis magnum

    in other streets : in aliīs viīs

    in those shops : in illīs tabernīs

    are bought for a small price : parvō pretiō emuntur

Satis est. See you again soon.